Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wanderlust: A true reflection

I watched Wanderlust last night. Although a comedy, to me, it symbolised more than that.

It reflected the 2 ways people live in our society currently - the materialistic rich folk and the spiritual, unmaterialistic people. Today, some people are so driven by materialistic things and their lives so full with technology, technological devices and boring jobs. It becomes a 'show' to them... "look at how much money I have!" and "...this big house defines who I am." Where others, live a more simple life (yet society labels them hippies - a bad stereotype.)

I would say I am more on the hippie side of things. Material things aren't everything to me and having the simple things is just fine.

If we all lived a more 'Wanderlust' lifestyle, the world would be a better place. I wouldn't have to exhaust myself hearing your bullshit stories about your new material devices or how much money you make. And you wouldn't have to babbler on so much, and waste your breath, about how successful you are - whilst inside I know you're still unhappy.
Wow, if I could live off the land and enjoy the simpler things in life, I'd do it in a flash. Not that I'd drink that halucinating tea or have sex with numerous people as they did in the movie, but I'd not be bombarding my technology or live a fast-paced life like other people in the rate race. Although the movie depicts polar opposite lifestyles, there needs to be a balance between the two.

This movie really confirmed that being who I am, and having the bare essentials, is perfectly fine. I realised that I am living the better lifestyle, and it's comforting.
What a WANDERful movie to watch - definitely goes amongst the top of my favourite movies to watch.

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