Monday, July 30, 2012

Tree of Knowledge

We all get 'above' ourselves thinking that we know everything. As a 25 year old, I used to think I was 'above' my age. 'Used to' being the important word here.

I sat with a friend the other day over a glass of wine and I was humbled. Very humbled. A few years older then me, she is way above me on the career ladder and her expertise and knowledge showed. I admire her for that.

Although humbled and made to feel like I knew nothing (self-inflicted), it was a good humbling. It was like I was hit with the clarity stick. Something in me clicked. I felt like I knew the basics but needed to learn more. I needed to climb up the knowledge tree.

I've been unfocused lately, doing many things at once and wondering why I couldn't pin down what I wanted to do - what inspired me. But how can you really know what you want to do, when you have no idea or have no in-depth knowledge of the thing you think you want to do? I needed to target my interests and learn about them. The two main areas of career I am involved in are events and journalism. The key area I want to get involved in is copywriting.

So out comes the laptop and research begins. No wonder my brain has been bored stiff and stagnate. It's been subconsciously yearning to learn. And to learn something that I am interested in. So research begins on the short courses. I am going to sign up and do a short course. Wow, my brain feels energised already!

Thinking broader, I then sign up to branding/advertising/copywriting newsletters and websites to keep me up-to-date on what's happening. Then I sign up to freelance websites and sign up to receive work shop updates.

So climbing up the tree of knowledge will entail:
Reading through ENTIRE newsletters - from top to bottom - and following links
Attending work shops
Doing a short course
Being mentored by those more in-the-know

As I climb, I become more focused and gain knowledge. From humble roots come branches of knowledge. "I can see clearly now the rain has gone."

This is all so exciting... I can feel my brain growing already!

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