Monday, April 15, 2013

New, new, new!

So not only am I moving house at the end of the month, but I am also starting a new job on Wednesday! So looking forward to hours of traffic to and from the office, very early mornings struggling to get out bed (esp with it almost being Winter), clogging my face with make up every morning and having no freedom. Nah.... I won't be sitting in traffic as I negiotiated the times with my future boss; I will be able to get out of bed as I'll have a purpose in life; every day I will feel pride in myself that I look nice for once instead of being in no-one-should-see-me-clothes everyday and instead of freedom I'll have security and stability (and who actually says that self employment is freedom... it's more like being chained with stress and worry.) Yes, I have made the right decision. I can't wait until the end of the month when I can rest assured that money is coming in. Self employment is not for the weak - it's damn fucking hard. I don't regret these last few months of trying to make it work as I was tested and learnt a great deal, nor am I giving up on myself - I am just starting on a new venture. Being self employed, I would look for ANY type of avenue that would create business and money and I would discount my services so that at least ANY type of money would come in. Now I can solely be focused on my full time job (which by the way is at the TOP of the list when it comes to media companies) and my events business. This brings with it focus and clarity. I will also no longer suffer from social isolation as self employment is a lonely place. I can chirp and chirp to my heart's content at the office, meet new people and use up my 5000 words for the day. Eventually I'll go back to self-employment and do it again. But for now, I'm moving into a beautiful home and I need a stable job to pay for it. Let the new chapter of my life begin! Amen.

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