Monday, June 21, 2010

Psychic Intervention

I went to the psychic yesterday.

I was looking for clarification.

I was so excited, yet my excitement was short lived. Upon arriving, I was expecting to walk into a room where the lights and candles, soft music and essence would create a spiritual energy. This fall very short.

The lady was very sweet but did not present the image I had in my head. Most spiritual guru's are weird dressers, with long finger nails that are painted brightly, not forgetting the little glitter stars neatly pushed onto the nails. This is a generalisation of course. The lady wore a black suit, as if she had come home from work.

I sat down on the leather couch at the entrance to the front door - not really a room I'd say. She then said she would begin.... Meanwhile in my head I was thinking "Is this it? Are we doing it here?"

I have always believed that a GOOD psychic should be able to say names, say something detailed that connects you to the deceased person or situation, but I wasn't getting any of that this evening. Also, I believe that a GOOD psychic does not allow you to speak, only after the consultation. You see, if I speak and give clues, the psychic will read off that and tell me things based on what I've said. Lastly, a GOOD psychic will not say generalisations or things that can be applied to basically everyone, for example: you have issues in your relationship or your grandparent has passed (at my age, it is common to have grandparents who have passed)

She only brought up one name. She couldn't tell me any specifics so that I could know who was coming through. Almost vague in a sense.
She did not bring up the most prominent things in a my life at this present moment in time - and I have a lot of those that have burdened my life. Surely a good psychic would be able to pick up major incidences?

I am not trashing this person. Please don't get me wrong. That is not my intention.

I am only trying to say that I was disappointed in the whole experience... I got home so confused. I had wanted clarification but came out more confused, conpuzzled basically.

Some things I thought were true, others were way out there in lala-land.
Some things were vague and generalisations.

There are some things that give your low confidence away. I mean, she even asked me how the session was afterwards. Yes, I understand its good to know if your client is happy, but it was done in a way that she was trying to see if she was a good psychic or not. Also, although I had booked for an hour, she was very weary of the time. A good psychic would carry on, even if it was more than 1 hour, as the good psychic would want to help the person.

I think, in order to sooth my confused brain, I'll take it with a pinch of salt. They say you should always take from the session what is relevant in your life. I'll believe one or two things, and totally discard the other crap. I just don't know why I am so flippin' confused...

I am confused about being confused....

Things that were true in the reading:

- Phillip, my mom's father's friend
- People's characteristics - Chris & mine (but that can be assumed or guessed)
- Minor things (but not enough to scream to the rooftops)

Things that were false/wrong:

- No specifics
- Chris & I breaking up
- No names
- Vague descriptions of people (this... man had grey hair.... WTF?)
- No information on major incidences in my life
- My mom's health

I think psychic, an experienced one at that, will tell you about your past, present and people who have passed away. I don't think a detailed synopsis of your future is believable.

All in all, I think she has some psychic tendencies but she is still a beginner, an amateur really.

I'm going to book another session with another lady who is apparently brilliant! Hopefully that will bring me the clarification I need and not whoo whoo stuff that is sucked out of thin air......

PS: Maybe there should be a rulebook for psychics?

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