Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hock a Loogie

Okay so I was looking for pictures of phlegm to put on this post, but the sight of some of them almost made me cotch in my lap.

Beavis and Butthead will suffice.

Being sick for a while, although physically okay - weirdly enough, I am now at the point where I have an insurmountable amount of phlegm stored up.

DEFINITION OF PHLEGM: the viscus mucus secreted by the walls of the respiratory tract.

Sniff. Phlegm. Cough. Phlegm.

I can actually feel the phlegm at the back of my throat - hanging there like dead weight.

I can't even count how many times I've swallowed my own phlegm today. I wonder what a plate of phlegm looks like? What is the nutritional value of this mucus? It'll probably keep me full for days...

I can't seem to bring myself to hock a loogie though. You know when you sniff and bring the phlegm to the back of the throat and then spit it out.

I remember as a youngster playing a computer game called 'Hock a Loogie'. The picture is from the actual game. You basically are Beavis or Butthead and you stand at the top of the building spitting on people's heads. [Small things amuse small minds]

[Change of topic]

It's amazing how the blogs I write are so not feminine. I mean, talking about my period and phlegm does not paint a 'girly' picture. Yes, I am not one to cake my face with make up, or paint my toe nails every night - I fart in the presence of my boyfriend, I poo with the door open (I love it for some odd reason) and I barely have any time to plaster my face on or do my hair.

One day, when I'm 40 odd - I'll then be feminine. I'll have the money to splurge on nice clothes and expensive make up. But for now, the way I am will have to do just fine...

My parents must be so proud of their 'tom-boy'....

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