Monday, August 16, 2010

My red friend

Okay, now I normally would not put a picture up like this, but I couldn't resist. It's something you don't see every day. Shame the poor guy in the picture. Stupid doos. (Yes, he thinks he is cool.)

Now I normally wouldn't advertise on the web, in front of everyone, that I am on my period.

Yes, Stacey Rowan is bleeding from the inside. (OK, that's pushing it slightly)

But the occasion calls for it. I don't why it is but this month I have been so paranoid - stressing to no end that I was pregnant. I had no logical reason to be, maybe its just because my thoughts were spiraling out of control.

So there I was on Friday night in a dodgy dark toilet, above the pharmacy, urinating over my hand, trying to wetten the pregnancy text. Negative.

I woke up at 05h30 the next morning to do another test. (It's always most accurate first thing in the morning.) Negative.

And now, the final test - I passed. I came on.

[Chris, no babies for you this month.]

Wooooooooooooooooooooo, what a relief...

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