Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr Bhudda

I finally caught up on my last class for my reiki course last night. I have completed my course and now am an Reiki Practitioner.

I usually like to buy small 'spiritual' things when I go to class, like a crystal or Antikarana poster. This time round, I needed something special.

He kept staring at me from across the room.

We kept locking eyes.

Out of all the wonderful things that could have caught my eye, he did. My, Mr Bhudda.

He's beautiful.

After purchasing him, I started to think of universal signs and the meaning of the purchase.

Now, Bhudda's have different meanings - the fatties mean abundance. The ones with closed eyes mean to look within yourself. The ones holding their hands in an 8-shape, mean infinity.

My Mr Bhudda has closed eyes and his hands open gently on his lap. He means the answers lie within (look within yourself for the answers.)

Now, I have always been the type of person to ask a million and ones questions to everyone else, looking for advise, looking for answers. I never really believed in my own wisdom before checking with everyone first.

I went on the reiki course to find answers, to find answers to myself and my life. I thought it would provide me with these answers. But what I have learnt is that I hold the wisdom, the key to my own life, my own existance.

He is symbolic and significant to me. He ended my course, my personal journey, with the answer. To look within myself.

He now sits in my lounge, watching me. Reminding me that I hold the key.

I now have my own Bhudda, something that I have wanted to so long.

My Mr Bhudda.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have completed the course and so happy to finally see your blog - special lady! from Natasha
