Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ducks in a row

It's official. I am getting my ducks in a row.

It's a good feeling.

I finally, after much trepidation, submitted my tax return. Eeeekkk! Having a business, I get some income from that which is visible on my bank account. I hope I do not get a penalty or get into trouble. But, in all fairness, I think the 'tax man' has bigger fish to fry and will not check every person in the country. Well, I truly hope not. Now, I am not one for forgo my rightful duties as a tax payer and law abiding citizen, and don't intentionally hide some of my income from 'the debt collector'. But, I don't see why my extra income, which is actually under the normal level for business profit, should be noted.

To me tax returns are "adult" things. For me, its confusing. It's like trying to navigate to Mozambique without a map. I filled in what I could, then closed my eyes and pressed 'return'.

Well, at least that's taken care of.

Then 'foxy box', my car, is in for service today. Shame, she's so over due. She'll get fixed, scrubbed up and cleaned. Yes, this will cause a dent in my pocket, but it has to be done.

Another thing on the list of things to do... tick.

I've now got a designer to design my business website now too. Slowly but surely I am getting all my business legalities and admin sorted. It's time to get serious Stacey!

Another thing checked and ticked...

I'm also trying to get my 'fat' ducks in a row. I've noticed that some of them are putting on weight, so its out with the fatty foods and in with the healthy ones. I also have a bladder infection or thrush (which may have been caused by the lube I tried after Sexpo) - so its yoghurt, yoghurt, yoghurt! Burning urine and itchy fanny be gone!

For me now, its just about getting one fuck'en duck in a row at a time...!

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