Monday, October 11, 2010


My lucky number is three.

Things come in three's. Bag things.

You know how the saying goes...

1. Mother fucker

On my way to a work event at night - in the most dodgiest place in the whole world, I had an attempted smash and grab. He, who does not deserve a name, nor a description - came from my side (I was driving) and squeezed himself through the window like a piece of cheese through a key hole. Thank fuck Chris was in the car. My "helpy helperson". 'It' tried to grab Chris's phone. Luckily my night-in-shining-armour fought 'it' off. I don't care if my window is open, or I am standing naked with all my 'doors' (both meanings apply) open - it doesn't give any right to be violated. For fuck sakes...

2. Karma will get 'ja

I had R350-00 stolen out of my wallet on Saturday from a relatives house. I got that money from a job I did a few hours before so didn't even have time to fucken smell the notes. I won't curse you or beat the living shit out of you (I know who you are) as Karma will bite you in the ass. Just amazes me that I have to protect my belongings anywhere and everywhere I go - yup, from now on I am bathing with my purse, having sex with my purse on my get the point.

3. Car accident

If things come in three's - does this pertain to others who are close to you? My two friends were involved in a car accident on Saturday night. Thank God that they weren't hurt too bad.

Okay - so my three's have come and gone (here's for hoping)

Is three, for me, lucky after all?

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