Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meeting Charlie @ Sexpo

* Warning *

This blog contains words of a sexual nature and should not be viewed by anyone with sensitive eyes, or anyone who is of a parental role in my life (unless you don't mind viewing your own daughter in this way).

Viewing of this blog is at your own discretion.

This blog is rated 18 SNL.

* Warning *

I am virgin when it comes to sexpo. I broke my virginity this year.

I wasn't interested in the event itself, more on the products.

Now, as any female would, I was always interested in getting a vibrator or dildo. Yes I have Chris, who is fullfilling under the covers, so I just wanted to see what one would be like.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Whilst looking through the wide range of products available at Sexpo, including anal beads, dildos, strap ons, lube, pocket pussies (the list could go on, and on, and on - as long as some of the dildo's I saw), I came across Charlie.

Charlie is my new vibrator. Everyone meet Charlie.

I can't explain what he looks like, but I'll show you what he doesn't look like...

He doesn't look like this...

He doesn't look like this either... (This would burn)

Nor like this...

Definitely not like this... (This would surely break me)

Chris, Harry, Sally, Charlie and I will make a happy family - he is the new addition to our family. Whether or not he will be used, or just gather dust in the cupboard, only time will tell. Maybe he was a once off experience, as nothing is better than the real thing. I'm glad to say, that I Stacey Rowan, have bought a vibrator.

I also got some other treats - yes, I decided to spoil myself. (I don't buy myself clothes, but I buy myself sex toys. )

Everyone has got to have a naughty draw - or else you're just a prune.

But, at the end of the day - Charlie is no competition for Chris. Yes, Chris, your penis is still my no one sexual device!

And that's that!

(P.S. - My ultimate job would be to be a sex columnist. So, if you're wondering why I am a pervert and writing about things of a sexual nature, don't read my blogs. If you feel I am a sin, pray for me. But if you are a normal sexually curious human being, of which most of us are, enjoy more sex blogs coming soon!)

1 comment:

  1. Also went and did not go home empty handed - Amen to sexual freedom
