Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I got the most beautiful surprise yesterday from Chris.

A purple orchid. (not the image as shown, it doesn't give her justification. She should be a model she is so beautiful. Photo shoot here we come.)

Now this is not the same surprise as a women receiving the run-of-the-mill bunch of rotting flowers from Spar. This was, and is, something special.

Now, let it be known that I love orchids.

My fascination started when I went to my Reiki class, and my Reiki teacher had an orchid on her table, amongst other spiritual items. For me, orchids are a spiritual plant. There is this energy around them.

I have Mr Bhudda and now I have Perfuna. My spiritual collection is growing. I always envisioned having a spiritual room with my Mr Bhudda and Perfuna, my orchid.

Yes, I have named her. (She is a she)

Purple + Flora = Perfuna. It's the perfect name.

It suits her.

What makes the surprise even better is that I looked on the tag and it said 'Butterfly Orchid'. Now, butterflies symbolise change and transformation. Something that I am continually doing - transforming...

Yes, one may think I am going overboard about an orchid. But I am not.

It's the meaning behind it, the meaning makes this gift so significant.

Babe, it is the perfect gift - thank you.

I love you.

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