Thursday, January 13, 2011

Zayne, cheers to you

This calls for a celebration...

Zayne, my brother, has experienced enlightenment and has become aware of the universe and all the spirituality within it.

He went to a meditation course. Result = a happy person.

I am so excited for him, you have no idea. I have always been a spiritual person and its beyond awesome to know that my brother has been enlightened too.

So Zayne a quick cheers to you my buddy! May you receive all the love and light you deserve. 'Tis he're a new world me matie!'

Not only is he now in a spiritual 'space' at the moment, but I am very much in one now (I am always spiritual but this time, spirituality is clear with all its signs and I can visible see them.) Things are happening, clear signs from above.

My status on Facebook today said: "A lot of good things can happen within one day.. along with many good changes." I didn't just say this, I actually felt it (and there's a huge difference) Then, what happens - something good happened (and no, I am not about to discuss this on my blog as I don't want particular people to read it.)

Another spiritual incidence happened last week, something bad happened and I asked the universe to grant me with a 'solution' and on the SAME day it came.

Sign, after sign, after sign....

It's like I am travelling around and I can feel the energy moving, I can feel my life changing (And no, I am not some crazy nut case)

Cheers to the universe, the 'signs' and everyone who is blessed enough to see the light....

1 comment:

  1. Haha much love Stace, follow your heart, don't let anyone tell you differently, each person has to walk their own path, I leave with a Quote which I thought was really profound: "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, None but ourselves can free our minds" Bob Marley

    May everyone be happy :)
