Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plucking Pubes

My father once told me that "only stupid people get bored."

Well then, as of this very moment, I am stupid. "Hi, I'm Stupid, nice to meet you."

I am so frigg'in bored.

Boredom is not a nice place to be. It's like you at a chicken farm, with rotten corpses, and a honkin' stink in the air, and you just want to get the fuck out of there.

I can think of a million other things that would keep my mind busy:

1. Pluck out my pubic hair. (Chris, the boyfriend, would be thrilled. He's tired of the bush)
2. Wait... count my each strand of pubic hair, ... then pluck it out one a time.
3. Write an article that I have no focus or inspiration to write
4. Walk back and forward from the toilet a 100 times, pretending that I need to be pee
5. Chain smoke (10 minutes per smoke. Three hours to occupy. 60 minutes in one hour. That's six cigerettes in one hour. 18 cigs in total.)

This blog is boring.

And After writing this, which took me about 7 minutes to do, I am still bored!

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