Thursday, February 3, 2011

Round two

Aren't these the most ugliest mother fuckers you have ever seen!

I got bitten by one last month, and had early symptoms of tick bite fever. Got antibiotics and got cured.

I find them on me all the time - the little shits... thinking they get'al up in my space... They seem to like my neck (is my blood sweet for you? Do you like it?)

I found one on my neck and again, pulled it off and now have a scab to remind me that the stupid effer left his mark on me.

Round two & k n o c k o u t!

I have symptoms again - so off to the doctor again to get antibiotics.

These ticks are making me broke. Hec-Tick!

I need to think of ways to prevent this - maybe I'll a body stocking? Aha - now try get me you parasite!

Why is it that ticks and fleas have an obsession with me? Just now, they'll crawl up my vag and make babies. (one of my fears)

Right, time to get something called 'tick-be-gone' (if that even exists)

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