Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear body, I am sorry

I see how you are crumbling
I see how you are taking a toll,
I see how you are breaking down
Tearing yourself into pieces in order to help me reach my goal.

The mental thoughts start to manifect, and physical symptoms start to show
Through deterriation, my body has lost its glow
Panic attacks, exhaustion and body spasms are but few
that come from the stress and my emotions, so blue

I used to be able to cope with the mental strain of it all
but, now it seeps through my body, slowly it starts to crawl
It's scary to see the bodily wounds that linger from the mental pain
from stress, anxiety, over working - what do I gain?

I can see my body getting older, through every emotion I feel
For my brain and thoughts, my body is a delicious meal
This is not a healthy way to live and my health is dissappearing,
It scares me that stress means my gravestone is nearing

I used to think "hey, stress and emotions wont get me, I can live with this"
The harmful effects and bodily harm, I constantly dismiss
I am petrified that I am close to death, that my body can't take it no more
I need to change my mental ways, or death with happen for sure

When mental turns into physical, you know it is something serious
To think that if I continue like this, is just plain delirious

To my physical body, I am sorry that you are taking a toll
I can see the symptoms
I can see you crying out to me saying "change your life"
I can see you in pain.

To my mental brain, please help me to help you.

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