Monday, March 21, 2011


We have a new addition to the family.

Freddy - our eight legged female spider. (Don't know if it is a male or female, but I'll call her a he-she, and think of her as a female). Freddy, a masculine name for a female, is our new child.

She sits in her tank and stares at us... stares at me when I'm naked and getting dressed, or when I'm gafoofaling on the bed with Chris (something a child should never see).

I'm not really fond of spiders, or snakes or anything that you can't pet - but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt (and hey, I think I am getting fond of her now)

The only thing I like about a spider is the bum.. I want to squeeze it. It's like a male's testicle, you want to squeeze it so hard that it pops.

Chris found Freddy (a baboon spider) outside on the balcony. It was love at first site. He had to adopt her and call her his.

She has found a new home.

However, the cage is to remain shut at all times and God forbid I find her one night sleeping next to my face on my pillow. I won't pet her, or kiss her or allow her to roam around the house. Yes, she has a new home but she'll stay in the cage - a metre or so away from me at all times.

Welcome Freddy, may you enjoy your new home and family.

You may have multiple eyes, eight legs and fangs and look nothing like us - but we view you as our own and one of us.

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