Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who are you?

You know on the TV show CSI .... well it has the fitting song for this blog post. Sung by The Who, it goes something like this (now imagine me in my tone-deaf voice singing):

"who are we, who..who..who..who"

My version: "ouhhhhhh wally, who who who who"

Now, I have written on the right side of my blog that if you have read my blog, once or on a regular basis, please add yourself as a follower. But, as this has been cleanly ignored (cough..cough), so I now have to write a blog post about it.

I want to know who you are.

If you read about my bad cigarette addiction, I want to know who you are.
If you read about my hairy vag, I want to know who you are.
If you read about me purchasing Charlie, my dildo, I need to know who you are.
If you read about my irritations with people, I need to know who you are.

I don't need to know where you live, your age, if you are obese or borderline anorexic, if you have a green ming'in toe nail or if you have a weird eye twitch. As a writer, who wants to talk to the community and help others through my words, or just make someone laugh with my embarrassments, I want to know who I am reaching.

So I ask this, I plead and beg in fact, please become a follower.

Hint: See on the right hand side of the screen, there's a heading saying 'followers' - click there. Can you actually believe it... it's that easy!

So when I come onto my blog tomorrow, I will see a whole list of followers.

Ohhh, I'm so excited, I won't be able to sleep tonight.

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