Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Theme song:

"super-teen extraordinaire Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Runs around in underwear Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
His brain is overloading, it has a chocolate coating.
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud Freakazoid! Freakazoid!"

Oh my word, this cartoon brings back memories. I just remembered it now, for some arb reason. The theme song makes me laugh. Have you ever watched it?

Who knew that, as a kid, this cartoon would help me through the many encounters with some of the 'freaks' in my current life.

Fuck me, there's a lot of freaks a round these day - they actually make me feel normal. They're all nice and 'normal' when you first meet them, then turn out to be real fruit cakes.

How many freaks do you know? Have you had your 'slice' of fruit cake?

From now on, I'm wearing my freakazoid-beware-glasses.
I'm full already of fruit-cake.

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