Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Open for business

After 6 years, I am finally a business owner!

Stace-Face Face Painting is open, well legally that is.

I have been doing my business for the past 6 years and have come to a point where it NEEDS to be legally registered.

(Biting finger nails)

Ready.... push the fear away.... set....breath...go

I have reserved the name and registered the business. And now it is currently being registered for tax.

(Biting finger nails)

Now I am a clever person (wow, that's not too egotistical), but when it comes to legalities or tax or anything that might put you into jail, I'm as ignorant as a hyena's backside. This whole legal things petrifies the living shit out of me.

(Biting finger nails)

I said to the tax guy during the consultation:

"Now, I'm not stupid but you need to explain this whole thing to me starting from Z. Explain it to me as if I were a child, a baby."

Eg: Define "tax"

Shit, I think I need a business book for dummies. I'm great at other business aspects but when it comes to accounts, tax and legal matters I'm a complete novice (and no, I'm not proud of it)

Nevertheless, Stace-Face Face Painting is now a legal entity. I'm proud to call her mine. I have pushed away my fears, worries and lack of knowledge and have bitten the bullet.

Take the bull by the horns... Bugger the bull I say.

Now, all I have to do is get the past 6 years of admin up to date, get me an accounts officer/accountant (and preferably one that doesn't steal my money) and I'll be good to go.

Wow, I finally did it.

I'm scared shitless, but nevertheless going for it!

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