Thursday, April 21, 2011

Foie Gras

I watched Carte Blanche (a news program) the other night, where they showed the cruelty to animals which we eat.

I almost cotched in my pants. I almost cried a blue river.

Force-feeding geese; cutting off tiny chicks' beaks; putting cows in tiny cages where they sit in there own shit and aren't able to move.

I am affected. Deeply.

I have begun researching this further, even though everytime I was watch a video about this stuff it's like putting a needle in my eye - truly painful. It's hit my heart and my gut at the speed of 500km car driving.

See video below.

Foie gras (pronounced /fwɑːˈɡrɑː/ in English; French for "fat liver") is a food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. This fattening is typically achieved through gavage (force-feeding) corn.

Well I hope you rich people enjoy eating your Foie gras after watching this. Stupid French fucks who created this 'delicacy'. Let's force feed you people, stick a massive pipe down your skinny throat and see how you feel.

Here's small chicken's beak being cut off. Isn't it pretty to watch?

The people in both videos should be shot. Karma will be coming your way!

I hope this blog post reaches the world. I hope someone reads this and passes the message on. I hope together we can stop this.

I am going to make an effort to stop this.

You know, I know this sounds really cynical but if the world ends on 2012 it'll be a great thing. Us humans are a disgrace. I am applaud to be a human being. Not only do we slaughter and destroy everything around us - but we also do it in the most cruelest ways. We should be ashamed.

I am going vegetarian.

At least the worst we can do to a brocolli is boil it.

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