Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is this a sign?

Here is a wall.

Please wait whilst I bang my head against it.

.... .... .....

It's been S-U-C-H a bad day.

My business website and emails have stopped. What comes up when trying to look at the website is some stupid hong kong, wing-wang bullshit business directory.

I can't begin to explain to you the fuck'en frustration I have dealt with today. My hosting company are beyond useless. I don't have a website = I loose business, I loose money. (That wall looks so tempting now)

I have always wanted to do my own business but I am getting so many signs that are either trying to test me to make sure that this is what I actually want to do; or they are trying to tell me that this was the wrong choice.

Sign 1:

Absolute difficulty in trying to legalise my business and register it.

Sign 2:

Reduction in job requests

Sign 3:

Website and emails are fucked

*This deserves three head hits against the wall*

It's like when a women gets engaged and the universe tests her if this is what she wants to do, or the signs are saying: "you shouldn't get married!"

Sign 1 for the wife-to-be:

Gaining weight so that the dress she bought 2 months ago, no longer fits and she resembles the muffin man

Sign 2 for the wife-to-be:

Loosing her ring

Sign 3 for the wife-to-be:

The priest cancels the service and can no longer marry them at the wedding, due to foot and mouth disease

I just keep questioning why the universe is making this whole business thing so hard for me.

Maybe I'll look on the bright side and think that after all this hard work, frustration and tears, it'll all be worth it and I'll reap my rewards.

After all, looking at the bright side is far better than banging your head against the wall.

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