Tuesday, October 18, 2011


There's only a few movies that get deep inside your soul and make you ponder about things, or cry a million tears.

Hachiko is one of them.

"Hachikō (ハチ公?, November 10, 1923–March 8, 1935), known in Japanese as chūken Hachikō (忠犬ハチ公?, was an Akita dog born on a farm near the city of Ōdate, Akita Prefecture,[1] remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owner's death.

This is Hachiko below.

Everday he would go with his owner to the train station to see him off to work, and would wait for the owner at the train station to return. This was every day. When his owner died (when Hachiko was 1 or2) Hachiko would go to the train station and wait for his owner (who would sadly never return) - this happened for 9 or 10 years.

And whats even more moving is that this is a TRUE story.

It's just profound to see how amazing a dog can be - the loyalty shown. It's beyond incredible. This movie should be the poster movie for all animal welfare centres and shelters - seeing this would make any pet-hater, fall in love with dogs and adopt them.

This makes me look at all my dogs and appreciate them more.

I said to Odis - one of my dogs - "you better be this loyal to me."

Yes... we hate sad movies that involve dogs - but just watch this movie. Although it's sad it confirms why you love your pets and why they are so special.

Yes - definately going in the best movies category for me!

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