Monday, July 5, 2010

Espresso anyone?

I'm fuck'en tired. I haven't felt this tired for ages - it's like your bottom eyelids are being pulled to the ground by chains. There's tired... and then there's t.i.r.e.d.
Mentally and physically I'm tired. My brain is not functioning, nor is my body - which feels like falling asleep, actually collapsing. Even my work desk looks comfortable at this stage. I can't seem to focus or concentrate.

Maybe I need a vitamin B shot in my bum to wake me up.

I can't understand where this tiredness is coming from... It could be induced by being overworked. It could be induced by non-enthusiasm. Actually, it's funny how people are always tired during the week, but on weekends they can wake up and feel as perky as ever.

It could be from unhealthy eating? It could be that I am heading towards a burn out? It feels like I am carrying a 100 ton load on my back.

Well, I am overworked. It's not even funny how much I am swamped under. Fuck me, I even came to work an hour and a half early this morning to get a head start. With so much work I don't even feel like I am making a dent in this huge pile.

And today I realised that we are more than half way through the year.

Yup, it must be a mid - year crisis.

Where everyone is tired, looking for direction in their life and just plain miserable.

Can you believe how fast this year has gone? Blink -oops - you missed it - its passed already. Scary.

Maybe I'll just have to try and bullshit myself into thinking that "I'm awake, I'm happy, I'm feeling vitality, I'm energetic."

"Hi, I'd like to make an order for delivery please - one strong ass expresso please - no sugar, just 20 spoons of coffee please." .... "Actually make it two espresso's."

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