Friday, July 16, 2010

A lil' bit of elbow grease

It's going to be a busy weekend. Extremely busy.

I'm feeling nervous, anxious, stressed out.

I have a tiler coming tomorrow, together with a cleaner and a carpet cleaning service. Combine that, with painting and gardening - and you have a full blown cleaning expedition.

I started to paint my room white, trying to clean the poo-colour brown off the wall. I did this at night, listening to the sound track of Coyoti Ugly - I know, I know. I also have to paint the bottom floor, one-toilet, room blue - to cover the primer that has been sitting there for a few years (...after my sister and her friends did a make over to the place, but never seemed to finish). Then there's tiling in the bathroom and a new door that needs to be fitted. (The door had to be taken off when Chris got locked in the bathroom with the key breaking inside the lock, and I had to break through it will a hammer.)

Then there's the gardening. Our front entrance garden has turned into a weed field, since our neighbours persisted that we cut down the tree. The tree went, then the weeds grew. The outside garden also needs a fix up. We have the unfortunate pleasure of having the shit clay soil, prohibiting any form of plant life to be sustained. It's fill of dog shit, dead herbs - the cooking ones - and a few tiles.

The kitchen needs a paint too. All the splatters from the stove have flown onto the white primed tiles, to make it looked speckled - its quite gross.

Then we get onto the mother of all fix ups.

The dreaded carpet.

My sister chose a cream colour carpet, and no, I had no say in the matter. It was a stupid decision because now our carpet looks like someone smeared their ass on it. Cream - blink - brown. Being a high traffic zone, and having dogs, this was not the optimal chose of flooring. I protested that the flooring being tile - but that was flatly ignored. Now I'm sitting with the fucked up - and yes its fucked - carpet. So the cleaning carpet guys are coming tomorrow. I have no hope that they'll be able to restore the carpets to their former glory. But it's better than nothing. It's worth a try. I'm just severely embarrassed, it makes me cringe. It's like when I go to the dentist or gyny. I don't want anyone to see my vagina, or mouth, or carpet for that matter.

So it's going to be a non-stop weekend, full of elbow grease.

I best be getting some wine and nice tracks on the sound system, to help me through.

I need a cleaning miracle.

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