Thursday, July 8, 2010

Technologically F**ked

I got my phone bill this morning. Yikes!!!!

I'm technologically f**ked.

Okay - so I didn't expect it to be that much, but at least I over budgeted to allow for excess billing.

Not only do I have (and need) a budget for my groceries, monthly bills etc, but now I need one for my phone.

I need a phone diary.

"Dear diary.... how many calls did you make today?"

No. Seriously. I need to document every single phone call I make, not forgetting every single sms. There needs to be control here. (Not that I over did it, I mean I can't remember phoning alot of people.)

Fuck. Why is it so expensive? The only reason I went on contract is so that I have money to phone if my car breaks down and I am stranded on a desert island, or to phone clients for my business, or to receive emails.

Oh. Not forgetting to be able to have my b-a-you-ti-ful Blackberry. Yes, she's a beauty. And BBM works like a bomb. Although, can be a bit irritating when there's a hundred and one thousand million beeps going off signifying an email, or bbm, or sms. Yup, she's (the BB is a female)is always there to wake me up with a beep from a spam email. Nothing like a broken sleep hey.

But anyway. All in all, I am going to start a phone diary.

Starting right now.

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