Monday, July 12, 2010

Hole in One

Okay - so I'd admit, this is not the most pleasurable picture to place on my blog ... actually it's making me a bit nauseous. But it's the perfect picture to serve my point.

It's funny how 'if it's not one thing, it's another.' With money, in the event that ones obtains more money than expected, it is always the case that something comes up. Either, the washing machine breaks and needs to be fixed, or you receive an unexpected bill or you have to go for a medical emergency - like the dentist.

This is my scenario. I need to go to the dentist, and pronto!

As in the picture, there's a hole in the front tooth. I'd like to call it, a hole in one. I am on the verge of getting a hole in one - not to the extent of the picture, but it still feels like it's the end of the world.

So, I've booked an appointment with the oral hygienist and dentist in a weeks time. But, yet again I have to fork out money out of my ass - it's actually quite unfair how the world works sometimes.

But for those who don't me, I have three fears in life:

One - Being alone
Two - The dentist
Three - The gynacaologist

Anything where I have to spread my legs or open my mouth in front of strangers, terrifies the living shit out of me. But, hey, I remember that I have anxiety pills. You should see me when I walk in the room. On my first visit to the gyny I said "Please don't judge me" and "Do you see ugly vagina's?" When in the dentist room, I pass up and done, in hysterics, telling the dentist to not judge me.

And now, the dentist - who I might add was my favourite (it takes a long time for me to find someone who I am comfortable with) - has LEFT my dentist rooms. Now what the fuck am I going to do? I am devastated.

Well, we'll just have to wait until the 22 July and hope and pray that my front tooth doesn't form a hole in the interim - or else I'll walk around with the new nickname of 'hole in one' - something I dread. I swear to you, I wouldn't even step outside of my room if I have a whole in my front tooth - full stop.

Other than that - I'm not in the work mood today. I'm too concerned about my teeth. I seem to be in a negative space too.

I watched '17 again' last night, where the man transforms back into his 17 year body. He wants to see how his life would have been if he had made different decisions. Imagine that. What would you do differently in your life? How would your life be now if you had taken a different path or made different choices? Watching those movies make me thing of things like that, not that I, for one second, regret the path and choices I choose. But it's an interesting thought nevertheless...

Oh and I might add that I have exciting news. But that will be told in another blog. I'll finally have a blog that says something like 'I'm moving to Bangkok' - as in the previous blog I wrote that I had no exciting news. But the good news is finally here!

PS: I can't stop fiddling with this damn tooth, it's like my tongue is magnetized to the tooth. Argg ...I'm making it worse!

PPS: The picture above is NOT of my teeth!

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