Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can you see I'm in pain?

So I went to the dentist today. My worst nightmare.

I first had the 'pleasure' of going to the oral hygienist and then to the dentist.

I experienced an oral hygienist about a year ago. The lady was terrible. When upon booking the appointment this time round, I made damn sure I didn't book with the same lady. But sure enough and just my luck, I was shown to the same women. Oh shit I thought.

Now, anyone in the 'helping' industry like doctors, gyny's and dentists, should not only have the skill to do a good job, but they should have tact and human interaction capabilities. Even if it is just a level up from apes.

This women, and I shit you not, had no tact. Not only did she handle my head like a soccer ball but she shoved my head left and right with such force. Yes, I understand that plague does require some force in order to remove it, but come on, I could feel my teeth cracking.

Now, I have very sensitive teeth. Chocolate makes them pain, I can't brush my teeth with cold water and any tapping or scrapping makes them ache. But this was ignored by this 'lady'. I lay in the chair, in such agony, with my limbs moving at the touch of every nerve. Could she not see I was in pain? No.

Then my mouth was engulfed with a bucket of water and I couched it up, half choking, when she touched a nerve. Then I had the spraying water thingy-my-bob spraying water all over my face. This was a cleaning teeth appointment, not a fucking facial. I had water dripping down my neck at rapid speeds. This was truly awful.

She then touched on a very delicate nerve, which in turn made me ball into tears. The whole experience was just whelming up in my eyes. She then brushed it off, with no tact or comfort. There were no emotions.

She was not nice to me, nor did she display any comforting emotions, nor did she care. People in this profession need to interact with their patients in a comforting way. When you see your patient in pain, fuck'en do something about it. And especially, with a patient like me who is paranoid, stressed out and anxious at the thought of going to the dentist.

Needless to say, after my encounter with the devil dentist - I am all fixed up and no longer have the dreaded 'hole in one' looming.

Thank fuck that's over!

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