Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A new found respect for soccer

With newspapers, blogs, websites, television and other mediums covering this event in full swing, I thought it was only appropriate for me to do the same.

Yes, the World Cup is over, unfortunately so, but I am sure it is still in the minds of many tourists and South Africans.

Sad to say, I was unable to go to any of the stadiums to watch the games as I had no money to fork out. But I was hooked to the television.

Before the World Cup, honestly, I was not all that excited but on one particular day, upon driving to an exhibition, people were hooting, blowing their vuvuzela's and employees were standing out side of their offices. It was the day that Bafana Bafana were doing their tour around Sandton. This day brought the energy for me, and so my excitement began.

I was, of course, supporting our team - Bafana Bafana. I had a psychic prediction that Uruguay would take the cup or come close to it, and then.... there.... was..... Germany.

Chris, my boyfriend, was a massive supporter of Germany. He was their biggest fan. I was not supporting Germany at first, considering that there flag looked like the "devils flag." But once Bafana was kicked out the tournament, they became my no.1 team. You see, I wanted Uruguay to win so that I could finally know myself as a psychic, but I was in no way supporting those pansies.

By midway of the World Cup- I was "GO GERMANY" - "VIVA THE GERMANS"

Mr Mesut Özil, Mr boggle eyes - you became my favourite. I had quite a few favourite players. Mr Siphwe Tshabala, who also played the No. 8 position, the same as Ozil, was the No.1 player in Bafana Bafana, with the goalie, Khune, coming a close second. In the German team, Boateng (known by myself as BOOOOOOOOOOOOTANG) and Klose, you were also tops on my list. Chris would say to me "Oh, you like him", "you think he's hot". Sure, the guys were attractive, but they were good/skilled players. I'm sure that men were watching for the game and women were watching for the players. (wink wink) But as for me, I watched for the teams, skills and the game - the attractive players were just a bonus. (But no one is as beautiful as Chis). I miss watching the Germans, and Ozil, already...

So although I didn't watch at the stadiums, I contributed to the World Cup in my own little ways:

* My blackberry became the commentator - posting comments about the games.
* I bought myself a South African flag, which fell off the next day
* I bought Chris a funnel vuvuzela, a Germany scarf, a Germany flag and the FIFA Xbox game
* I interviewed most of the architects on the stadiums and wrote articles on them
* My TV was continually tuned to the soccer channel
* My car hooter was used a noise vessel constantly, joining in with the vibe and SA energy

Things that I learnt from the World Cup:

*Soccer is a better game than rugby (no offense to rugby players)
*The number 8 position on the field is the best
* GO GERMANY - Even though they didn't win, they were the favourites!

So overall, a big congratulations to SA for putting on a great World Cup. I was lucky to say that I was there.

Bundesliga and the UEFA Cup - I'll be watching. GO GERMANY!

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