Monday, July 19, 2010

Living in my lounge - The before steps before moving house

So, this weekend was a great success.

I needed a cleaning miracle, and I got one. I was hit, well my flat was in fact hit, with the cleaning wand.

The bathroom is tiled and looks fabulous. The weed plantation growing in the front entrance of my house has now turned into a neat and tidy entrance, covered by aesthetically pleasing wood bark chips.

I couldn't sleep on Friday night - the nervousness of waiting to see how my carpets would turn out, after the cleaning guys came around, was on my mind. But hey, it worked. My carpets are as crisp and clean as ever, and there is no longer a smell of stench in the flat. I live in a now, germ-free; ecoli-free flat. From paranoia of the carpets getting dirty, I have covered the entire carpet with sheets and have blocked off the staircase so that my dogs cannot get up stairs.

I am officially living in the lounge. But weirdly, it's great.

I can eat dinner in bed, watch TV until I fall asleep - and it's cosy.

I still have quite a bit to do with the fixing up of the flat, before the property agents come on Saturday, but its nice to know that I am half way there. So bring on the paint tonight!

I'm looking forward to moving. I can finally write a blog about moving, about having a change in my life. I am scared, nervous, excited, happy. Whether or not it is the best move or the right or wrong thing to do, I don't know. All I know is that I need a change in my life. I am becoming stagnate.

The universe rewards decisions made and changes done. I know this change will bring me new opportunities. After living in the same place for 5 years, its time for something new. The world will bring me, what the world will bring me now. No need for over thinking - it's just a case of doing.




It's finally here.

I'll be sure to update my blog on the moving process.

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