Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Flu: It finally found me

Crap. It's finally found me. I feel like dog balls.

When I get flu, I get it bad... and I get it quickly. In one day, like today, my nose is red, I'm tired as hell, I have phlegm, my muscles ache, I am weak - I have flu. Full blown flu. I'm surrounded by millions of white tissues, it's a germ barrier to 'subconsciously' tell everyone to fuck off.... "don't be invading my space. Stay away." I'm a vessel for a viral infection. "If you irritate me, I'll cough in your face!"

I can't even type properly. With my brain not functioning properly, I can barely spell. hsdgfidhgfhifhdihfdfdfhbdfkn mvfkmfpogiiuieiurytr86reru90reojdiodjier39i09ri49uruhrhg kjfuigfdiufgdyfgydfgdfyugdhfbkewru984ry498y084u89u]t498t. You have no idea how many times have had to edit this bloody post in order for it to make some sense.

I need bed. And bad.

I'm the man in the picture. I feel so sick that yes, I've transformed into him.

I've been taking vitamins and vitamin shots constantly, but still - the flu still manages to find me.

fhgdfhgidg jdsgniodgsjioghrjg vkj vjkbvihdgvdyuvbjnglkmdsklfmpoefi4098945784y38e73h913ej.

Tonight - it's tomato soup and early bed. I was going to work but no ways! No cleaning, no painting, no working - just beddy-byes.

OK, so I've pumped my body with ClorenzaC and vitamin drinks - lets hope for the best.

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