Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fork in the road

I must apologise to you my dear blog ... aka diary.

'Dear Diary... I have neglected you. I haven't written to you in ages. Shame do you miss my blogs? Do you miss my sarcasm? Do you miss my humour? You you miss my cynical undertone?"

Things have been busy lately. Very busy.

My family has been here from Cape Town - my father, step mom and sister. I don't get to see them much. It hurts. There's always a happy hello and then a sad goodbye. It breaks my heart a lil' more every time...

It was truly great to see them again, it reminds me of how much I love and miss them. (It's hard not being able to see all your family, all of the time.)

I hope they know how much I love them and how much I wish I could see them all the time.

Whilst they were here (they left this morning) I also was going through a transformation, a change that brought up old issues. But as I am the person who continues to get up, I get up and carry on.
I have been dealing with the fork in the road as well. Now I have always been the entrepreneurial one. I see everyone around me going solo and starting there own business, yet I remain working for some one else - yet I have been doing my business on the side for almost 6 years. I just don't know which path to take? Go solo or stay at my full time job?

Decisions, decisions, decisions....

Damn you eff'er fork!

PS: I also had a near death encounter with an (or my own) ingrown toenail.

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