Friday, December 2, 2011

Fucker Fred

I'm sitting in Kauai - the whole Vitamin-C healthy food place where the fit and fab people go(I shouldn't be here - I look like a porcupine amongst pigs.)

Fuck you Fucker Fred and your whole grain, no calorie bread and wanna-be-slim no sugar smoothies (addictive as they may be)

Trying to write on this laptop, with this broken ass charger that's burning my leg as it over heats. This 2-point plug is broken and every time I put it in to the plug, sparks fly. Race to Pick n Pay. Buy another one. Doesn't work. Fuck you Fucker Fred and your non-working piece of shit plug.

FUCK. It's just blown! Can my day get any worse!!!

Can I write this blog in under 10 minutes before my laptop switches off? Fuck you Fucker Fred and your dinosaur of a laptop that can't even work for 10 minutes without being charged.

Driving home last night. Rock - tyre - blown. Cost me R1300.00 to replace two tyres but I can't ride around with a biscuit of a tyre. Fuck you Fucker Fred and your over-charged tyre company.

Get an email from work. Fuck you fucker Fred - need I say more?

I'm having a bad fucking day. Clearly.

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