Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

It's the last day of 2011. This is my last blog of the year, thus it's only fitting to have an upbeat, positive blog with 'Chutzpa'.

As I reflect on the year that has been, I'd say it was a year of many changes - many good changes.

To name a few:

- I moved to my wonderful home on the farm - I found my DREAM HOME
- I adopted 5 more dogs who now bless my life
- I adopted 4 new chickens
- I adopted a stray cat (who eats three meals a day but love him to bits)
- I got engaged to the most wonderful man of my life
- My business grew and Chris and I have started on a new business venture
- I resigned from my job, although ending date is still pending, but good move none the less
- I found out I was going to be an Aunty, to my sister's child
- I took a big risk in my personal life and 'jumped off a cliff'

With so many good things, I hope I have not forgotten any.

2012 is exciting. I'm getting married in May; I'll see my favourite nephew in April; business will grow and Dec 2012 will bring with it a new era (although others will disagree with me)

I am hopeful.

Blessing all those around the world a Happy New Year and may 2012 bring you all that you deserve - and not forgetting the cherry on the top.

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