Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm quitting smoking!

Looking at this picture: Is any one hungry? Anyone care for a piece of fillet?

They should have this picture on the back of a cigarette box.

I, Stacey Rowan, am kicking this dirty habit in the butt - I Q.U.I.T smoking. This blog serves as a 'invisible' contract that I will no longer smoke death sticks anymore. Yes, health is an issue - but when you are young we think we are untouchable, that we will not end up tied to an air machine, clutching at the few straws of life. Wrong. Not only do these death sticks deplete your health but they deplete your money too.

If I estimate, I buy one box a day (yes, I share with my boyfriend but still.) One box is about R30.00. There are 7 days in a week, so that's R210. Times that buy 4 weeks and you get R840 per month. That's R840 I could spend on food, or getting my nails done or my hair cut. Shit, and there I always am wondering why I'm so stone broke.

This quitting is a challenge to see how much money I can save. Basically I will no longer smoke because I can no longer afford it. This dirty habit is burning a hole in my pocket... and a hole in my lungs.

I've been a loyal and dedicated smoker for about 10 years. Enough is enough.

I'm waiting for the cravings to surface, for the moods to explode, for the dragon to rear its ugly head. Lord help me. Yes, this will be a huge test, but it needs to be done. Only 21 days needed to break a habit - I'll need about a year. But, I am not going cold turkey. I need to be realistic. I have a safety cig box at home, just in case I need one. If the urge gets too much. I have reduced my limit, for now, to 2 cigs a day. That's good enough. Then hopefully, I will no longer need this crutch. I will be SS (like Alcoholic Anonymous) but Stopped Smoker.

I have implemented a few rules: No smoking in my car and No smoking in the house, only outside.

My boyfriend is also quitting. This also serves me well as I can't smoke if he doesn't - I don't want to have to kiss him with an ashtray mouth. He needs to support me, he needs to keep me focused.

I'm glad I have this blog. I will document my 21 days on here.

I actually look forward to having money at the end of the money, waking about feeling vitality, having a fresh breath, no longer stinking like a chimney and just been able to run up a staircase with my throat not burning.

yup, this is a good thing. My parents will be pleased....

Kent Silver, you have been my friend for some time now, but I can no longer hold your hand whilst you gently suffocate me. I will no longer be able to buy you, or say hello at the petrol station. I will no longer be able to caress you within my lips, breathing in your deathly aromas. I will also have to say goodbye to your family members to - the ashtray, the lighter, the matches. You guys will easily be able to go and find some other one to possess, but I can no longer be your friend.

The journey starts now - wish me luck!

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