Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fork in the road

I must apologise to you my dear blog ... aka diary.

'Dear Diary... I have neglected you. I haven't written to you in ages. Shame do you miss my blogs? Do you miss my sarcasm? Do you miss my humour? You you miss my cynical undertone?"

Things have been busy lately. Very busy.

My family has been here from Cape Town - my father, step mom and sister. I don't get to see them much. It hurts. There's always a happy hello and then a sad goodbye. It breaks my heart a lil' more every time...

It was truly great to see them again, it reminds me of how much I love and miss them. (It's hard not being able to see all your family, all of the time.)

I hope they know how much I love them and how much I wish I could see them all the time.

Whilst they were here (they left this morning) I also was going through a transformation, a change that brought up old issues. But as I am the person who continues to get up, I get up and carry on.
I have been dealing with the fork in the road as well. Now I have always been the entrepreneurial one. I see everyone around me going solo and starting there own business, yet I remain working for some one else - yet I have been doing my business on the side for almost 6 years. I just don't know which path to take? Go solo or stay at my full time job?

Decisions, decisions, decisions....

Damn you eff'er fork!

PS: I also had a near death encounter with an (or my own) ingrown toenail.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A gem in the city

Jo'burg is a concrete jungle.

Being Capetonian at heart, I have always felt that JHB is limited in terms of things to do. (I'd rather have the beach) But, once in a while you come across a gem in the city... sometimes in the form of a place, a botanical garden or a particular venue. It's these places that make you forget you are living in this concrete jungle.

I found a gem in the city.

Anyone for a womble in the jungle?

Wombles Restaurant, in Parktown North, is a gem.

I went with my hubi this week, where we were wined and dined.

Unaware of the dress code, I rocked up looking like a scobe. "Hi, I look like a 12-year old cheap-skate but can I please have a table for two. Oh and by the way... I have a voucher for R500-00, so basically I have no cash." (The voucher was given to us by my sister and her boyfriend. They missed out!)

Never have I experienced such service like this.

Chairs were pulled out for me.
My peas and carrots were served to me on my plate.
My serviette was placed on my lap by the hostess.

Wow, whose the queen now bitches?

And the food... wow, don't get me started on this. Steak to die for. Chips to salivate over and honey butternut and spinach to make your stomach growl.

I was also joined by my two friends - Mr Whiskey and Mrs Ginger Ale.
They brought their cousins and family relatives (I had more then one.)

"Hi, my name is Stacey Rowan and I am addicted to W & G.A."

They had different waiters for different roles. One to bring drinks, one to bring food, one to fix my serviette every nine seconds. (yes, they actually did this!)

After stuffing myself stupid, my husband and I sat around the bonfire drinking our beverages - wow, I felt like I was in Africa. How nice it was to relax and get away from it all....

(This could be a potential place where my husband can propose to me...)

Not only did Chris & I enjoy the benefits of Wombles - but Harry and Sally (my doggies) also had the benefit of chewing on the half masticated bones from our steaks the night before. Their enjoyment was cleverly visible in the 100 and 1 poos found on the floor the next morning. Delightful!

So yes, Wombles ranks one of the top on my list of restaurants.

Highly recommended!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Whiskey & Ginger Ale

I finally found it.

The perfect drink for me.

(Drum roll please...)

Whiskey & Ginger Ale.

Finding the right drink for you, is like finding the right man (I have that too), sometimes it can leave you broke, hungover - with a bad taste in your mouth. I have struggled for years to find the best fit...

Crackling - Got drunk off you once in my youth years...never again
Smiroff - you were nice, but too many can leave a thick film down your throat.
Tequila - you're great for getting drunk, but I can't sip you like fine wine.
Long Iceland Ice tea - you fab, but you decrease the money in my wallet.
Hunter's dry - lekker, but put simply - you're dry.

Yup, W & GA - I'm glad I found you.

I am glad we met eyes and I touched you with my lips.

I'm glad we fell in love.

W & GA - Bottoms up!


The Flapper

I don't know why my choice of images comprises of 90% chickens but they always seem to depict the correct image, or correlate perfectly to a blog.

I am experiencing the flapper today. And badly.

Just as a bird will get in a fit and flap its wings at the speed of the light - so this pertains to a human.

Have you ever met a flapper?

Definition of a Flapper: An annoying person who complains, stresses or verbally expresses a problem constantly. An irritating person who worries about a small issue, the tiniest of problems, and makes a big scene about it, bugging you insistently.

I see the flapper every single - fuck'en - day.

That person reminds me of a bird - a chicken/turkey/cock - that I want to shoot.

...Roast with potatoes and veg...

I'm going to shout at the flapper soon...

In fact - Where is the shotgun?

Friday, September 10, 2010

The mule

This is the most perfect picture if I have ever seen one. Now, slap a picture of my face on the mule - and this is the ideal picture to depict my current status.

Stacey Rowan is this mule - Carrying a way-too-big load. Shame, poor ass.

I am suffering from B.O.

Not body odour - Burnt Out Syndrome.

I am now feeling the physical effects of my mental state. Stress & busyness has manifested and transformed into physical exhaustion.

1 cup of coffee, 1 vitamin, 2 bottles of Lucozade's = no help.

My body is screaming: "Fuck you Stacey, you need sleeeeeeeeppppppp. Fuck you Stacey, you need to relax. Fuck you Stacey, you need a holiday!"

I can't concentrate. Things go in one ear and out the other. This is what my emails comprise of...

'ajkfidgifygf bdhsvdhbffn efjgrig efiurgfirgnhbg fdskdigfd'

This exhaustion is making me backwards.

Stupid Burn Out - how long will this last?

I wish you were like B.O. - just one spray and you'd be gone...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Coming of age

Like any good wine, we, as humans, ripen with time.

I had an epiphany yesterday. It was my sister's boyfriend's birthday. He was turning 28. I'll repeat myself ... 28! (This was a shock to me as I remember him being younger then 23.)

You never realise how quickly life goes (that you are getting older) and in turn, change the way in which you perceive yourself.

For me, I look at myself as a young person - never really an adult (hard to explain.) Basically, being almost 24 - I still think I am too young to get married and too young to have babies.

Basically if I had to get married now, this is how I would think I would look:

It's all wrong.

But, with my sister's brother turning 28, and all my friends and acquaintances stating on Face book that they are engaged or having babies - I have come to the realisation that I am of age.

This is the time. The time is now.

Upon changing my perceptions of myself, and now viewing myself as an adult (it's okay if I get married and have babies now) - I decided to celebrate with a glass of white wine at a restaurant called Plaka.

My name is Stacey and I am a cheap date. I got tipsy off one glass of wine.

Like wine, I have ripened.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cupboards & books

Highs and lows.

Life is full of these.

Life is like a book - one chapter ends and the next one begins.

At this moment, I feel that my Jo'burg chapter has ended, and the new one in Hartees is starting. I feel I have done all that needs to be done here... It's a quite sense of peace.

Last week my mind and body was in a strange place - I felt like I was going to have a panic attack or heart attack - stress and anxiousness consumed me.

I now am at peace. I feel that all those feelings have disappeared into thin air. My mind is at ease. It's nice.

I went to FU-CHA this weekend. A trans party - a type of party I have never been to before. This was, for me, going to be the last big party I would experience. It was great, but I realised that this was no longer me... I was no longer the youngster I was before. I am a granny - and I am glad to be. You see, the plan was to leave at 6am in the morning, after having many hours of partying - but being the granny I am, I wanted to leave at 2. I needed my bed.

On Sunday, I heard of two people, one who went to school with me, who passed away. Although I did not know them very well - what hit home was the fact that they died at such young ages - life is short, too short. This brings on thoughts of: "Am I living my life to the fullest?", "Am I on the right path?" You start thinking about life and everything else that it encompasses. The shock and sadness consumes your being.

On Sunday night, I found myself digging through my cupboard, looking at old books, notes that I had written (chapters from my book), spiritual notes and I came across my hand analysis that my spiritual healer did for me when I was younger. Reading through my hand analysis I realised how the words spoke true. It intrigued me more into the spiritual. I am a spiritual being and I know in my heart that this is where I will inevitably end up - being a healer.

I also stood in the line to enter survivor. This was a disappointment. They gave me a red band and told me to come back at 4pm - of which I couldn't as I had other plans. I told myself that if I couldn't enter, I would take it as a universal sign. I did however, take a picture with other entries and it will probably go on the website or TV show - my lil' claim to fame.

Highs and lows.

Life is full of these.

Life is like a book - one chapter ends and the next one begins.

My new chapter is beginning.

Looking forward to it...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring has sprung

It's the 1st of September - Spring Day.

This needs to be celebrated.

I can hear the birds tweeting, bees buzzing and people pomping (the season brings with it a new energy for sex, for some odd reason). The sun is shining, flowers are blossoming and there is this energy to the air, a sense of vitality.

It's spring day and everyone is wearing bright colours. Then there's me - all in black. But hey, my shoes are pink so that should count somewhat.

I'm secretly optimistic. It's weirdly great!

Happy Spring everyone!

We can now look forward to whales on the beach wearing teeny tiny bikinis, body odour for those who suffer from heat, blindness caused from looking at those whose skin haven't seen the sun for months, ants and mosquitoes, hay fever and not forgetting the change-of-season sickness that we are all bound to experience.

Farewell my good friend Winter.

"Spring has sprung!" - Enjoy it!