Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Coming of age

Like any good wine, we, as humans, ripen with time.

I had an epiphany yesterday. It was my sister's boyfriend's birthday. He was turning 28. I'll repeat myself ... 28! (This was a shock to me as I remember him being younger then 23.)

You never realise how quickly life goes (that you are getting older) and in turn, change the way in which you perceive yourself.

For me, I look at myself as a young person - never really an adult (hard to explain.) Basically, being almost 24 - I still think I am too young to get married and too young to have babies.

Basically if I had to get married now, this is how I would think I would look:

It's all wrong.

But, with my sister's brother turning 28, and all my friends and acquaintances stating on Face book that they are engaged or having babies - I have come to the realisation that I am of age.

This is the time. The time is now.

Upon changing my perceptions of myself, and now viewing myself as an adult (it's okay if I get married and have babies now) - I decided to celebrate with a glass of white wine at a restaurant called Plaka.

My name is Stacey and I am a cheap date. I got tipsy off one glass of wine.

Like wine, I have ripened.