Monday, September 6, 2010

Cupboards & books

Highs and lows.

Life is full of these.

Life is like a book - one chapter ends and the next one begins.

At this moment, I feel that my Jo'burg chapter has ended, and the new one in Hartees is starting. I feel I have done all that needs to be done here... It's a quite sense of peace.

Last week my mind and body was in a strange place - I felt like I was going to have a panic attack or heart attack - stress and anxiousness consumed me.

I now am at peace. I feel that all those feelings have disappeared into thin air. My mind is at ease. It's nice.

I went to FU-CHA this weekend. A trans party - a type of party I have never been to before. This was, for me, going to be the last big party I would experience. It was great, but I realised that this was no longer me... I was no longer the youngster I was before. I am a granny - and I am glad to be. You see, the plan was to leave at 6am in the morning, after having many hours of partying - but being the granny I am, I wanted to leave at 2. I needed my bed.

On Sunday, I heard of two people, one who went to school with me, who passed away. Although I did not know them very well - what hit home was the fact that they died at such young ages - life is short, too short. This brings on thoughts of: "Am I living my life to the fullest?", "Am I on the right path?" You start thinking about life and everything else that it encompasses. The shock and sadness consumes your being.

On Sunday night, I found myself digging through my cupboard, looking at old books, notes that I had written (chapters from my book), spiritual notes and I came across my hand analysis that my spiritual healer did for me when I was younger. Reading through my hand analysis I realised how the words spoke true. It intrigued me more into the spiritual. I am a spiritual being and I know in my heart that this is where I will inevitably end up - being a healer.

I also stood in the line to enter survivor. This was a disappointment. They gave me a red band and told me to come back at 4pm - of which I couldn't as I had other plans. I told myself that if I couldn't enter, I would take it as a universal sign. I did however, take a picture with other entries and it will probably go on the website or TV show - my lil' claim to fame.

Highs and lows.

Life is full of these.

Life is like a book - one chapter ends and the next one begins.

My new chapter is beginning.

Looking forward to it...

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