Sunday, January 1, 2012

Festive Seasons Repercussions

Facebook and BBM updates are probably lined with "Can't wait to go on a diet" or "When I get back from my holiday, I'm going to go on a strict diet."

Yes, the Merry season has it's repercussions. Empty wallets, Christmas fatties; and liver sclerosis.

Although I didn't stuff my face like most Christmas goers or drink myself into a coma (like others who blamed the festive season for their increased drinking binges), I'd admit that I did lack on the fruit and vegetables.

So off I went for a veggie shopping spree, along with buying copious amounts of soup. Not forgetting the vitamins! So I am on the healthy train now - full speed ahead - with the daily increase of vitamin intake. I'm not the only one. I've made Chris get on board as well. Shame, he'll be left with veggie this and veggie that. He's under strict rule not to drink beer. We're also going to cut down the smoking. Well at least try to.

It's not one of my new years resolutions - to loose wait and be a stick figure by June. I'm just trying to clean out my insides. Although I'm not a Christmas fattie - who knows what limited veg can do to one's body.

This is only for a week though. More like a detox I'd say.

Veggie and vitamin marathon begin!

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