Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bullshit sayings

As the saying goes 'things come in threes" - well being on my number 7, I'd pretty much say this statement is bullshit.

The saying "when it rains it pours' is not bullshit, it's true. When it rains, it fucken pours. In my situation, it 'snowed' even.

Chris and I have possibly had one of the worst weeks (7 days) ever, well since a long time. Let me list how many things have happened and how my strength has been tested. Bare in mind, this is over ONE WEEK.

NUMBER 1: Chris bumps his car into a small pole - aka - DENT
NUMBER 2: Chris's new phone breaks so had to take it in to be fixed and only God knows how long these slow pokes will take to fix it. Stupid cell phone shops.
NUMBER 3: Dontay, my puppy boxer and Sally, our sausage dog, attacks Betsie our pet chicken. Feathers everywhere. There I am trying to pull 2 dogs off this poor chicken. Needless to say, she lost many feathers and has a broken leg. We took her to the vet (NO - we did not kill and cook her) and she spent most of the week in the shower trying to heal. Poor thing.
NUMBER 4: House gets robbed and my laptop stolen. Put simply, FUCK. Our house will never feel safe again.
NUMBER 5: Giant tree 'somehow' falls down (with no wind and no storm) and breaks a large hole in the fence. "Come robbers, you now can walk freely onto our farm and carry the tv out."
NUMBER 6: Betsie dies. She got a respiratory illness. Didn't want to her suffer so we sadly put her down. Our farm will never be the same again.
NUMBER 7: Chris falls and breaks his perfect teeth. He now has a hole in the front, where the front tooth has been broken off. Poor babe, he hates looking like a hillbillie.

I just pray, on my knees, that God blesses us with a better week next week. May He keep us safe, may He protect all my animals, may He heal Chris's tooth and may He help with the insurance so that I can get my new laptop and can get back on track with work.

In God I trust.


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