Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can you say itchy?

Now how do I put this so it is approriate and in no way rude? How do I speak of this so that it's not totally directed at me or socially unacceptable? How do I say this without being a 'man' and avoiding any feminity. How do I write this without devulging every bit about my vulva or my vaginal problems? I can't... this is my blog and I'll write as I normally do. Every female has a vagina problem... I am just open to talk about it. Now, I don't want to discuss this problem in detail... it's not the problem that's the point - it's the funny affects it has. I always look at the humourous side of things.



Now if you're a woman, you're probably having a slight giggle now. You're all had it... you've all had the itch.

SCRATCH THE ITCH and it's 'aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh'

Wow wee, the itch can be bad sometimes. What's even worse is when you need a good damn scratch and you're surrounded by people or you're in a place or situation where you can't scratch.

Why is it that when men have an itchy ball, they openly move their hands down and have a good scratch, in view of everyone to see. It's socially accepted.

Now us woman have to secretly move our bum cheeks and legs to try and ease the itch or secretly bend down to 'pick up a pen' and as we rise quickly move our hand there and slightly scratch; or remove ourselves politely from the office meeting... run to the bathroom and have a case of 'mad-scratching'. But in our own 'space' (like driving a car) we have a quick scratch whilst staring at the person in the next car and smile, secretly thinking "If only you knew what I was doing."

Wish we, as woman, were like men. When there's an itch.. we just scratch. At least we don't then have to go through hours of the itch - to get to a a point of screaming - which leaves us resorting to rough scratching. Poor vagina.

The itch is a real bitch.

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