Thursday, March 15, 2012

Do I look like a criminal to you?

Dealing with insurance is like speaking to a police man.

They make you feel bad,as if you in the wrong and therefore should go to jail.

Being robbed, we had to go through the insurance company and the assessors. They came, they saw, they questioned.

When I first signed up they asked me questions like:
"Is there a security watch group in your area?"
"Do you have burglar bars on all non-opening windows?"
"Are you home all the time?"

I answered as best as I could.

But with these insurance companies, there is no grey. It's either black or white; its either a yes or a no - which is bull.

I have 70% burgular bars on non-opening windows.

Assessor: "NOT ON ALL WINDOWS, so we will just have to tell the insurance company that what you first stated is wrong."
Stacey: "But I have on MOST windows, so can't you add that in."
Assessor: "But not on ALLLLLL windows."

I am mostly at home.

Assessor: "But you say you sometimes have to go out. So we will just have to tell the insurance company that you are only at home at night."
Stacey: "But I am here every morning and most of the time."
Assessor: "But unless you're a house wife or have a full time made then that doesn't count."
STacey: "So what - I must be home every minute of every day, and can't even step outside to go take the garbage out?"

We have a security watch group in the area.

Assessor: "So you say you have a watch group, but you don't belong to security group?"
Stacey: "There is a security company opposite the road from us. There is a security guard who walks around the farm and there is a watch group called Skeerpoort watch. And I never said I BELONG to anyone."
Assessor: "Well we are going to have to tell the insurance company then as you say you belong to someone but you don't."

Yes, I believe this woman was doing her job and it's good to know she was so efficient, but I have a problem when it comes to you questioning me and not understanding what I was saying. YOU ARE MAKING ME OUT TO BE A CRIMINAL, LIAR AND FRAUDSTER.

I am paying for this service, so dammit treat me like a normal human being, and not question me as if I am a criminal.

The thing I have come to realise with these people is that they don't like to insure those who have a bigger risk. So the less security you have, the more you pay per month.

But seriously, if I lived in a fort and had the lochness monster swimming in my river that surrounds my house - do you honestly think I would get insurance. Hell to the no.

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