Thursday, August 4, 2011

Baking is not for me

I love to bake. But baking doesn't love me.

I made 'fairy' cakes which, on the recipe, states that they should be light and fluffy. Stacey's 'fairy' cakes were hard rocks. So hard that you could throw them against a wall and the wall will break. Hey - they'd be great for using as weapons!

Last night I then attempted to make bread and butter pudding. Isn't a dessert supposed to be sweet? Mine was bordering the savoury side? Weird. Let's just say that half out it, including the crusts that were not soaked as I made to little mixture, were chucked in the bin.

Is this a hint? Has my oven won the war; must I succumb to it's victory?

Bakers always say that you should know your oven. Well, I've only known mine for 2 months since I recently moved in. Best be getting more acquainted then. So how does one bring on the charm with an oven? Any flirting techniques suggestions? But isn't an oven always 'hot'?

No, thoust shalt not succumb. I'll gather my arsenal of weapons - measuring cups and bowls, wooden spoon and flour - Stacey won't be giving up on this war.

More recipe successes (or failures) to follow.

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