Friday, August 26, 2011

Sweaty armpits, whales and exposed hairy legs

The 1st of September is next week - Spring day.

Small green buds are appearing on the trees; crickets are making noises and frogs are croaking. (Chris, my nature-enthusiast boyfriend, says it's the first signs of Summer.)

I can't wait for Summer, although there are a few things that Summer brings with it, which I can actually wait for:

1. Sweaty armpits. B.O. Alert.

Yes, I sometimes have those wet patches. Best be stocking up on deo anti-perspire roller. Although there is an upside to these little wet patches. When it's very windy, lift up your arms. Wait a bit. Then put your arms down and the patches feel cold. Yes - the little joys of my life.

2. Hot cars which have been heating up in the sun whilst parked. This equals more sweaty armpits.

3. Right guys - it's time to be on whale watch alert.

But these type of whales we don't find in the sea. They are in the public swimming pool; sitting next to you on the beach or at a friend's pool party.

Summer is the time to expose those flabby bits and white reflective skin. Some expose a little more then they should but hey, it makes for good whale-watching. I don't think I've ever been in a bikini in front of people. I too have 'The Flab' and my skin resembles snow white. But at least I have rock pools by my house where no one can see, so I can be a 'whale' in my own time and space. The only whale-watcher there will be Chris, but hey - he loves my flab. I'm his favourite 'whale'.

4. Oh gosh.

Summer brings with it short skirts and pants. Now ladies, you can no longer hide those hairy, non-maintained legs under your long pants.

Oh poo balls.

I hate shaving my legs. Damn tedious. Time to bring out the razor, which has rusted over time as it hasn't been used for a while.

In summer, it's now shaving every two days. And we can't get out of this. We can't even cheat and shave up the knee. One needs to shave the WHOLE leg.

Ag dear.

But apart from the sweaty armpits, whales on show and hairy legs - I'm looking forward to summer. Hiking, swimming in the rock pools, leafy plants, flowers blossoming and warmth - yes please.

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