Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday 'Stroll'

Chris and I went for a walk/hike yesterday. As you know we live on a farm and there's so many cycling, walking and hiking trails.

Now I am not one for fitness and walking up a flight of stairs will leave me gasping for air - lungs heaving, throat burning whilst I lay half-dead on the floor (the disadvantages of being a smoker.)

But we woke up wanting to do something adventurous and outdoorsy... and off we went with a 2 litre water bottle and walking stick in hand.

Wow wee I can't even explain how beautiful it was. I was in awe the whole time.So grateful to be in nature. So grateful that we live on this land and have this opportunity to go on hikes through streams, dams, bamboo forests and bush.

I didn't realise how hiking and being outdoors can make you feel so revived. And seriously, for the worry and thinker that I am, it takes your mind off anything.

Want to de-stress - go for a hike
Want to clear your mind - go for a hike
Want to feel content - go for a hike
Want to feel blessed - go for a hike

We walked for about 1.5/2 hours - about 15 to 20kms and I didn't complain once. Normally I moan and groan - "oh my feet hurt, I'm tired, I'm hot and bothered" - but none of this. The hike wasn't to extreme. I had sweaty armpits but a nice "healthy sweat glow." The whole time I was complimentary, stating I was happy I was etc.

This can become addictive!!

Next time, I'll pack the picnic basket and have a picnic in the forest. The time after that, I'll pack my swimming costume and swim in the rock pools (at least my flab can hang out, my white reflective skin can be exposed and no one will see.)

This summer is going to be full of outdoorsy moments.

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