Thursday, August 25, 2011

The circle of life

I watch how you all get older and how the wrinkles show up on your face
Your bodies become aged, you all no longer have your youthful grace
Times is ticking by fast and the circle of life starts to turn
New life comes in whilst your flame becomes dimmer; no longer does it brightly burn

Ailments and illnesses slowly start to infest in your body which once was so young
These are signs that the circle of life has begun

I don't want to watch you get older, I don't want to watch you get sick
It's just a reminder that the 'life' clock is going tick, tick...tick
I want you all to be young forever, I never want you to leave
Thinking of this, I cry... wiping my tears on my sleeve

I want you to be there for my wedding, and when I say I do
I want you to be there for my achievements and for when I’m feeling blue
I want you to be there when my kids have their first step and at their 1st day of school
I want you to be there when they cut their knee or have their first swim in the pool
I want you to be there to see your first great grandchild, and stare into his eyes
I want you to be there and wipe his tears away when he cries
I want you to see me when I turn 30 and 40 and fifty or so
Most of all I want you to be there to watch me grow

You have to be strong now, you have to live a long life
If you leave now or even before I’m 50, I’ll live in sadness and strife
I don’t know how to accept that this is the way life is
I wish we could all be around forever and live in happiness and bliss

I know in my heart you’ll make it through, you will all be here for a long time
We cannot control when the heavens will take us, time is not yours… nor mine
But belief and faith is necessary, positivist holds the key
To live a long long happy life together, both you and me

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