Sunday, August 28, 2011


We got Ron, our boxer, just over a month ago from the SPCA Brakpan - one of the many dog shelters in SA.

He was conviscated from a home where he had been living for a year, and was badly neglected - he had bad manje and was starved.

The SPCA kept him for a few weeks thereafter to help him gain weight and help his manje.

We waited long for him.

He waited long for us.

Last night we got home and Ron was vomiting blood. We rushed him to the vet, 40 minutes away.

Bad news. Heart breaking news.

Ron had a heart murmur and had a condition where he had fluid in his lungs. Ron was dying. This came as a shock, a disbelief. He was eating, playing with the swing tyre and running around the farm, happy as can be. I didn't understand. Surely if a dog was ill, they would not eat and just lie around. The vet said that he was born with this, his body has adjusted to the condition and his body knew no better. But then his body just gave up.

I was there when they put him down. His head was on my shoulder. He went into a peaceful sleep.

I won't vent. I won't get anger. I won't question God.

This is God's will.

Chris is devastated. I had to be the stronger one. Alot of bad things have been happening to me lately and for some reason I have pulled out this inner strength, which I never knew I had. God has helped me to do that.

I have to be stong for Chris.

If I think about it now, Ron lived a life of neglect. We showed him love, we showed him that there are caring humans in the world. That he was worth all the attention - and all the love we gave him. I think he waiting all that time in the bad house, all that time in the SPCA to come to us. He needed to be loved and he recieved it. He left this world knowing that he was loved more than anything. At least he has a place where his spirit can now be. Running around on the farm. Sitting next to the willow tree in our garden catching the rays of the sun. If he has died in the SPCA or that home, his spirit would have stayed there. That's why he waited.

We waited for him.

He waited for us.

RIP Ron. We love you. We miss you.

We will wait again some more until we are reunited in Heaven.

You left us too quickly. I think we loved you SO much that that empty gap in your heart was fulled quickly.

I'll be sure to play that sixties song 'Do Ron Ron' and dance around and remember you - just like that day when we danced together.

You are in Heaven now with Joey and Dukey and Tibby and Boozey. Just like Duke was there to collect Joey, Joey was there to collect you, our dear Ron.

Rest in peace my boy.

Your mommy and daddy love you like you have no idea.

Like I whispered in your ear before you went to sleep - be around us, watch over us, come visit and may we see you around the house sometimes.

Our DoRonRon xxx

27 August 2011 RIP

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