Sunday, January 15, 2012

Can we call ourselves human?

Did you watch this or did you turn a blind eye?

Humans who stand by and watch this happen without doing anything about it are as bad as the poachers who do this. You may as well shoot the rhino yourself.

Don't give me that bullshit "It's to sad to watch, so I don't."
We'll it'll be damn sad for you when you child asks you to go to the game reserve to see a rhino and you have to witness their sad faces when you tell them they can't, as they are extinct.

"Don't worry my child, you can see them in the book."

I can't wait for 2012 to come and wash us all away. Can we really call ourselves humans?

To those overseas who read this, spread the word. Tell those heartless fuckers to stop with the demand of rhino horns. "Yes you fat fuck who sits behind your big mahogany desk and gets African poachers to do your dirty work for you - yes I am speaking to you - I'm better then you and won't curse you a thousand horrible deaths, I'll just let karma do it's work."

Please, who ever reads this and is brave enough to watch those videos - please do something. Donate something, inquire with rhino-saving organisations about what you can do.

Be human, save a rhino.

Go to or to contribute to the "SAVING PRIVATE RHINO" FUND, or for more information go to:

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