Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Heartburn in a bowl

Now I can't take credit for this title - it was my hubi Chris who thought it up. (He's such a clever man)

Last night, Chris decides to make a quick meal. Now men (generalising) and kitchens should not mix. I mean, for men, making the simplest thing is the biggest thing.

Chris: "Where's the margarine?" "Where is the forks?"

He wanted to make those - cook-in-12-minutes-pasta-in-a-bag thingies. Now I had tried it a while back and it almost blew my head off being 'Spicy Tomato with Chilli'. It was disgusting.

I warned him about the heat. But men, having 'mentally-enlarged balls' think they can handle it and never admit that something is to hot for them.

Chris starts to eat it.

Stacey: "Is it hot?"

Chris: "No."

Sweat starts to form on his forehead. He SECRETLY tries to wipe it off.

Stacey: "Is it hot now?"

Chris (who smiles and starts to breath air in and out): "A little bit."

A while passes and Chris's nose begins to run. (A sure sign of something being chilli-fied)

Chris: "This doesn't taste of anything. It's disgusting. All it's doing is killing my taste buds. It's burning in my throat."

Now at this point I'm hosing myself with laughter.

Chris: "This is like heartburn in a bowl!"

Chris then runs to the kitchen tap and drinks water. Bet you he'll be having the ring-sting in the morning. Where there's heat - there's ring-sting.

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