Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Harry Potter: Child Friendly or HORROR flick?

I've just watched Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 (DVD's are what you resort to when you don't have DSTV or normal TV channels... I would say I'm on my 10 millionth DVD)

What the hell happened to the good ol' Harry Potter movies? The ones where Harry Potter and his Ginger friend barely reached puberty and the movie revolved around fun spells and child-friendly content?

Parents when you see the movie poster above - this sign should follow........

Now it's about scary giant sweaty faced monsters; viscous snakes; violence and killing and Voldemort's freaky fetus (couldn't get that image on Google! Dammit! Scary as hell with this adult face on a screwed up baby's body, covered in blood) Harry Potter used to be directed at children, but with the increase of its movies to follow - it has gotten more and more 'adult-eyes-only'. What is going on in this world?

Parents be warned - this movie is NOT suitable for kids. Unless your kids have been bad and you'd like to punish them by shitting in their pants and having reoccurring nightmares of Voldemort as a fetus.

If all the movie directors of children friendly films follow in Harry Potter's footsteps... then all the children may as well get excited to watch HORROR MOVIES. It's like we may as well make a movie of black voodoo smurfs, who haunt small children at night.



  1. i fully agree. the movies have gotten darker as they've come out year by year and more sinister and evil. it seems alot of people are oblivious to this. it also seems the first film or two were light renditions of a really sinister story line and with the fun hocus pocus came a young audience. now with all the darkness, that child audience remains, and these children are exposed to very dark, violent, eery scenes. have you noticed the amount of childrens programs about witchcraft and wizardry? hollywood seems hellbent (excuse the pun) on bringing the young ones out of innocence and into a very dark mindset.

  2. Very true. It's scary. I'd hate to see the movies and cartoons that will be out when I have kids. I may as well put a violent movie on like 'Hills have eyes' or Wrong turn' for them to watch. Watching hill billies slaughter and eat people will be like watching fairies and butterflies, in comparison to what will be on the tele...
