Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Car wash, spit style

This happened to me a while ago. I forgot to write about it.

I was instantly reminded today, upon being run after by a car wash lady asking if I wanted my car cleaned.

Now - this is not one of those car wash places, where you drive in and wait 15 minutes to get your car soaked with water, soap and cleaned thoroughly. This is that stupid car wash company where washers wait in the parking lot at shopping centres - ready to pounce on you once you have parked your car and step one foot out of the door. I swear they sit there waiting. And waiting. And waiting until you get out and look at them. I feel like I am being harassed the minute I drive into the parking lot.

With a very dirty car the one day, I allowed them to wash it.

Came back and after driving home - I noticed how unclean it was. In the light you could see the wipe marks still with dirt. I then recalled their cleaning equipment. A bucket, cleaning wipe and little water spray bottle. Generally, with car washing you use a LOT of water to really remove the dirt. What they did was obviously use a little spray of water and wiped the dirt around. Seriously now - how do you expect to clean a car with one bottle of spray water!?

I was angry. That day I vowed to never let those car washers clean my car again. And especially with the cost they charged.

I may as well have cleaned the car with my spit and I would have had a better result.


- Have a hose pipe
- Use lots of water and soap
- Cleaning does not mean smooshing the dirt around
- A small spray bottle is used to water plants, not to clean cars.

I should actually write a letter to that company and complain. Or better yet, file a case of harassment against them.

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